Frequently Asked Questions
Can I have more levels in Bag It! or Bag It! FREE?

It’s awesome that you’re digging Bag It! We do, too. Giving away a game for free is very difficult and Bag It! is a premium title with over 100 awesome levels and modes. We would love to give everything away, but the funds earned from our games help support future development so we can continue to create awesome new experiences.

I paid to unlock Bag it! FREE. Why does the icon still say free?

Unfortunately, we do not have the ability to change the icon of an application via the game itself once a purchase has been made. This is a restriction of the app stores. Good thing Spilt is so cute!

Who’s Spilt? Who’s Lucky? Who’s who?!

The stars of Bag It! Each character has their own unique name and personality. You can see them close up in the image below.


What are the object groups? What’s what?!

If you’re stuck on matching up the characters for bonuses, we have a handy guide below:

6-Pack!: Fizzy + Fizzy + Fizzy + Fizzy + Fizzy + Fizzy
Balanced Breakfast: Spilt + Sunshine + Sir Eggward + Lucky
Banana Split: Chica Sister + Chica Sister
Bev-Rage!: Spilt + Fizzy + Spilt + Fizzy
Breakfast Club: Lucky + Lucky + Lucky
Buttered Up!: Crusteau + Crusteau + Crusteau + Crusteau + Crusteau + Crusteau
Crust Rivals!: Crusteau + Sir Eggward
Deadly Duo!: Seedy + Fizzy
Double Date: Spilt and Sunshine + Spilt and Sunshine
Eggcellent: Sir Eggward + Sir Eggward + Sir Eggward + Sir Eggward
Eggstraordinary!: Sir Eggward + Sir Eggward + Sir Eggward + Sir Eggward + Sir Eggward + Sir Eggward
Fiesta of Flavor: Nacho + Nacho + Nacho + Nacho + Nacho
Milky Way!: Spilt + Spilt + Spilt + Spilt
Mutiny!: Seedy + Seedy + Seedy + Seedy + Seedy
Nice Melons!: Seedy + Seedy
Scallywags!: Seedy + Seedy + Seedy + Seedy
Shake and Bake!: Fizzy + Crusteau + Fizzy + Crusteau
Slumber Party!: Sunshine + Sunshine + Sunshine
Sweethearts: Spilt + Sunshine
Thirst Quenchers!: Spilt + Sunshine + Fizzy
Three Amigos!: Nacho + Nacho + Nacho
Well Bread: Crusteau + Crusteau + Crusteau + Crusteau

I’ve purchased a new device. Should I buy the game again?

If your new device is running the same operating system as your previous device, you will not need to buy Bag It! again. Simply open the app store with the same account on that device and search for the version of Bag It! you bought previously and it should be ready to download.

How can I restore my purchases?

If you made in-app purchases (IAPs) on Android, they will automatically be restored. If you made them on iOS, you can open the options screen in Bag It! (the small gear icon) and click the $ symbol. This will let you restore your purchases. If it prompts you for your password, you will not be charged. This simply authorizes the system to check and see if you made any recoverable IAPs.

How can I reset my progress?

Simply delete Bag It! and download it again. See the above question for more information.

How do I disable ads?

Bag It! FREE contains advertisements. These can be disabled permanently by upgrading the game to the full version though an in app purchase. Simply click on the “FULL VERSION” button on the main menu to make the purchase. This will also unlock all of the existing Bag It! content. That means you get over 100 levels and modes!

I have another question. How can I ask you?

Simple! Click here to contact us or send an email to